At age 57, David sees Pacific House as a fresh start.

Living in a shelter in New York, and wanting to make a positive change, David decided to move back to Connecticut. Temporarily living with his sister and getting established as a resident, he experienced a gap in his healthcare coverage and stopped taking his medicine; he suffered a mental break.

Back on drugs and alcohol and now hearing voices, David was easy prey. He was beaten, robbed and hospitalized. Upon release he came to Pacific House.

“I need to have my mental health established as a foundation. Here I had the opportunity to get back with a psychiatrist, get medicine and everything is falling into place,” said David, who also entered the Pacific House Recovery program and is now one month sober.

“You need to be stable first to go into housing. I speak with the doctor that comes to the Pacific House clinic, I take my medicine which allows 1 + 1 to be 2 instead of 8, and I attend meetings three times a week.”

Today David is getting his paperwork in place to become qualified for housing. “I feel like I’m getting back into the mainstream of life.”


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