Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, in partnership with members and communities throughout the state, creates change through leadership, advocacy, and building the capacity of members and the field to respond to challenges. Our collective mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Connecticut.
Greater Stamford / Greenwich Continuum of Care
We are a member of a coalition of homeless service providers and non-homeless related agencies that meet to develop housing options and services for the homeless of the greater Stamford/Greenwich areas.
Our in-house Recovery Program is a collaboration with Liberation Programs (formerly LMG Programs), a licensed rehabilitation agency that helps assist those victimized by substance abuse. Pacific House clients enrolled in the extensive Recovery Program receive counseling and participate in self-help groups in order to achieve sustained sobriety and adopt a stable lifestyle without the use of alcohol or drugs.
Clients' health care is a priority and the shelter provides two medical examination rooms onsite at Pacific House that are used for health screenings and assessments of primary healthcare needs. Medical services are currently provided twice per week onsite and follow-up referrals connect shelter clients with other community health providers.
The Food Bank provides food to the emergency shelter as well as to residents living in housing developed and managed by Pacific House.
The Salvation Army provides seasonal employment each year for a number of emergency shelter clients. The Salvation Army also provides donations of food, blankets and other essential items.
Person-to-Person supplies clothing and security assistance for a number of shelter clients each year.
Previously known as St. Luke's Life Works - our sister shelter in Stamford, CT - handles referrals of women and families from our day program and collaborates on staff training programs.
DMHAS provides staff training workshops and is a primary funder of emergency shelter operations.
The Department of Health provides health screening and prevention workshops for Pacific House clients.
The Dubois Center provides mental health services as well as case management services for our clients.
Laurel House provides mental health services as well as supported housing units for our clients.
Provides intensive substance and alcohol abuse outpatient treatment and mental health counseling for our shelter clients and Day program clients, men and women.
View Point Recovery Program
Provides short- and long-term substance abuse inpatient treatment and residential long-term care for male clients.
Previously known as Stamford Housing Authority, accepts shelter residents for permanent and Single Room Occupancy housing.
Shelter Plus Care- HUD (Housing and Urban Development) / DMHAS (Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services)
Provides rental assistance and supportive services to homeless individuals who have serious mental illness, substance abuse disorder or HIV/AIDS.